Thursday, November 25, 2010

Facebook has gotten so lonely

The other day 100 of my ''friends'' were online and not one talked to me on facebook chat :(
I don't know exactly why i posted this. The whole affair just made me kind of sad is all.
Facebook the social network site i have found is very unsocial

End of blog
over and out
ps..fb message me x

xxx love May

Potatoes and milk...

I study Human Nutrition and Dietetics in TCD/DIT. Unlike my creative lil friend (fiona) i'm a science geek.

In the past week two pieces of information jumped out at me as being quite interesting
firstly! My lecturer told me one can live off potatoes and milk... Potatoes are extremely nutritious, i hate to use the buzz word superfood, but that is what i think they are. Potatoes are amazing they are chocablock full of vitamins (nutrient dense as we dietitians say) and 200g of pasta, rice etc has around 300 kcal and 200g of pots has 80!..... i would like to note my numbers may not be factual but you get what i mean
eat potatoes
they are extremely good for you!

Secondly, i wrote a report on the EU policies of food labelling. Fascinating topic! well that was the aspect i chose. The essay just had to be on food labelling......

Anyways, i just thought i should inform people that its now compulsory for food labelling manufactures in the EU to display front of pack labelling with the RDA (recommended daily amount) in percentage format.
This was voted in over traffic light labeling. Traffic Light Labeling  was proven to be easier to understand.. and more effective

guess why the less effective version was voted in.. because the major food companies spent a lot of money to lobby against it

End of blog

PS  Please google traffic light labelling and RDA as a percent labelling... i feel it would take too long to explain it.. and i think its more the principle of the whole thing that matters.. rather than what they actually are

End of blog
xxx over and out
love may

Sunday, November 21, 2010

i hate milk, and i'm a film student.

I'm doing film and television production in IADT, and we do photography in it too, i like bold photography that stays with you, some people might find it TOO bold & that's okay i just want to do something different-and cause a reaction.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Town by Louisamay Hanrahan

I have recently discovered the wonders involved with going out in town, centre ville, Dublin City Centre. Whatever you may call it i just have to say.. its a lot of fun. I decided to write about it, as it planted the idea of joint blogging in Fiona and my heads. So what happened last night that made it so fun.. well I'm going to tell you in bullet point format because it would be more boring otherwise.... i think
  • I pretended to be french and spoke french all night ( I love french) ( I find by simply going to my local club, i don't find that much cultural variety and when i say cultural variety i mean french people)
  • We went to an exclusive club (that was boring but a guy there had enough money to buy me a jagerbomb and a beer (silverlining))
  • we made lots of new friends after leaving the boring daddy sweater place
  • I got kidnapped by an Indie (nope I'm not going to elaborate on that one)
Town is for people who are friendly and love meeting new people (especially for meeting frenchies).
To have fun, drink energy shots, don't do drugs, stay safe, stay in school... this was my first blog
over and out
The indie who kidnapped me (this is just before he kidnapped me. Convenient he is hiding his face isn't it!)

P's Wore dark lipstick for the first time on this visit to town..i went for darker cold purple lips and Fiona (right) sported the full black look. I love the dark lips look got a complement off a guy for it! he said it made me look mysterious.... also its a good way to emphasise eyes and lips. You can do elaborate eye make up and black lips. No longer does one have to decide between statement lipstick and statement eyes! Best of both worlds at laassst